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Duration:  2 hours


Areas, Didactic Objectives and Contents:


  • Social Sciences​


  1. To be a protagonist of the learning process and outcome.( O.CS.1.; D.O.20.).

    1. Development of a protagonist role throughout the learning process and the learning outcomes (D.O.20.).

  2. To encourage personal reflection on our own recycling habits.(O.CS.4.; O.CS.5.; D.O.5.).

    1. Encouragement of personal reflection on our own recycling habits (D.O.5.).

  3. To carry out attitudes and habits aimed at responsible consumption, waste reduction and recycling.( O.CS.5. ;D.O.6.). 

    1. Development of attitudes and habits aimed at responsible consumption, waste reduction and recycling (D.O.6.).

  4. To communicate in an open and respectful manner about living in harmony with the local environment and risk prevention.( O.CS.5.; D.O.8.).

    1. Communication about living in harmony with the local environment and risk prevention in an open and respectful manner (D.O.8.).


  • Spanish Language and Literature


  1. To expose orally, in a clear and orderly way, the main contents carried out in the research. (O.LCL.2.; D.O.19.).

    1. Clear and orderly oral exposition of the main contents carried out in the research (D.O.19.).

  2. To communicate in an open and respectful manner about living in harmony with the local environment and risk prevention.( O.LCL.2; D.O.8.).

    1. Communication about living in harmony with the local environment and risk prevention in an open and respectful manner (D.O.8.).





Denomination: Finishing our project

Timing:  2 hours

Materials and resources: Digital Board, microphone, digital camera, Google Forms, Google Meet, Facebook and App ‘Recicla y suma’.


To finish our great project, the students will start in a meeting with the mayor, the person who started it, with the aim of showing her their final products. The appointment will be made through Google Meet, with a link created by the teacher, which will be shared among the students, the mayor and anyone who wants to participate.


The talk will be held jointly in the auditorium, through a projector. The teacher will be in charge of equipping the auditorium with the necessary resources (camera, projector, microphones, loudspeakers) for the conference to be carried out successfully.


The development of the meeting will proceed with the sample of the different supports created by each of the groups accompanied by a brief explanation of their content in order to present the conclusions as well as solutions that our eco-team has obtained.


To put the finishing touch to the meeting, the students will ask the mayor for a clean mini-point to place it near the school, thus through the 'Recycle and Add' application where students can recycle and take a photograph of the process the app enters money, which will be allocated to a charitable cause.


Finally, each group will share a link that will take attendees to a Google questionnaire where they will be able to evaluate the final products, which will make it easier for the teacher to use it as an evaluation rubric. The Google questionnaire will allow us to obtain quantitative information, through graphics, as well as qualitative information, open to public opinion.


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