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Denomination: Presentation of the project

Timing: 30 minutes

Materials and resources: Gmail, Google Meet, projector, digital blackboard, wireless microphone


The day before, the teacher will be in charge of attracting the attention of the students for this project, for this s/he will let them know that s/he has reached the email of the class with a very important notification from the Mayor of the town. With the use of the projector, the teacher will show them and read aloud the invitation they have received. In assembly, they will comment on the mail and the invitation, thus awakening the interest and curiosity in the students.


The session that began the project will start the next day. Students will access the meeting with the Mayor through the Google Meet link.  To do this, the teacher will project the session on the digital board and a wireless microphone will be available so that each student can intervene in the discussion when a question may arise or simply wants to comment on something.


In this virtual meeting, the mayor will make a proposal to create a sustainable society project in which the students will have to make various supports as a final product to carry out a social awareness campaign since their town is in a situation of environmental collapse .

He gives them a series of guidelines that they must follow and tells them about the materials that they will receive in the next few days to get started.






Denomination: Discussion

Timing: 20 minutes

Materials and resources: -


After the virtual meeting, the teacher will encourage the students to make a small reflection on the mayor's statement, thus creating a large group debate focused on the project.






Denomination: Thinking Routine

Timing: 40 minutes

Materials and resources: Padlet, Ipads


Once the teacher has put them in context about the project, it is time to know the students' previous ideas, as well as their expectations and interests in this project. To do this, using Padlet, s/he asks them to carry out a thinking routine to which the students have to respond by sharing their opinions using their iPads.

The questions that the students have to answer are the following:


  • What do I know about recycling?

  • What do I not know and would like to know?

  • How can I solve it and educate the rest?


Once all the questions have been answered, the teacher will show everyone's answers through the projector, thus sharing the students' ideas and their expectations and motivation in this project, serving as a guide at the same time for the teacher to see the line to follow when developing it. In addition, s/he will guide them to reach a final conclusion together, s/he will explain how the project is going to be developed as well as how a campaign works



Duration:  1 hour 30 minutes




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