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At the beginning of the project, a new dynamic will be proposed to the students to carry out during recess with the aim of consolidating good environmental education practices in them. In this way, they will be proposed to make use of recyclable packaging for breakfast and minimize the use of non-reusable products as much as possible. For this, in the classroom they will have a form of good practices that they can fill in as they complete actions that are proposed to them, such as walking to school, bringing a healthy breakfast in reusable containers, picking up garbage that they find around them, recycling at least three products a day, among others. Also every week, they will be proposed a challenge. Helping an old man take down the trash is among one of them.


Likewise, they will be encouraged to put it in a new area that has been installed in the yard, the compost bin on the days they bring fruit for recess. In this way, they will be contributing to later carry out a didactic unit related to the soil and its living organisms.








To carry out a good environmental awareness campaign that has the maximum scope possible, it is important to make good use of social networks. Therefore, the teacher will explain to the students the idea of ​​making use of social networks throughout this project with the aim of sharing all their experiences and feelings as well as knowledge, with the school and the rest of the townspeople. 


The teacher will have previously created a specific Facebook account for the exclusive use of this project and will explain that between everyone each day, in the last 15 minutes, they will create a publication explaining the most significant of that particular session. Therefore, in this activity, the teacher will be in charge of introducing the students to this idea as well as transmitting them some notions about the correct use of social networks and basic instructions on how to create content and share it. In this way, the development of your project will have more reach and visibility within the local community.



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