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Duration:  3 hours


Areas, Didactic Objectives and Contents:


  • Social Sciences


  1. To use Information and Communication Technologies for the search and selection of information and the presentation of conclusions. (O.CS.2; D.O.12.)

    1. Use of Information and Communication Technologies for the search and selection of information and the presentation of conclusions (D.O.12.).

  2. To properly use the various materials and supports with which they work. (O.CS.2., D.O.15)

    1. Proper use of various materials and supports with which they work. (D.O.15.). 

  3. To encourage personal reflection on our own recycling habits. (O.CS.4., O.CS.5.; D.O.5)

    1. Encouragement of personal reflection on our own recycling habits (D.O.5.).

  4. To use social media as a means of disseminating their project. (O.CS.2.; D.O.18)

    1. Use of social networks as a means of disseminating their project (D.O.18.).


  • Spanish Language and Literature


  1. To use Information and Communication Technologies for the search and selection of information and the presentation of conclusions. (O.LCL.6., D.O.12.)

    1. Use of Information and Communication Technologies for the search and selection of information and the presentation of conclusions (D.O.12.).

  2. To properly use the various materials and supports with which they work. (O.LCL.6.;D.O.15)

    1. Proper use of various materials and supports with which they work (D.O.15.). 

  3. To use social media as a means of disseminating their project. (O.LCL.6.; O.LCL.5., D.O.18)

    1. Use of social networks as a means of disseminating their project (D.O.18.).


  • Art Education


  1. To correctly use the various materials and supports with which they work. (O.EA.1., D.O.15)

    1. Proper use of various materials and supports with which they work (D.O.15.).






Denomination: Discussing what we observed

Timing:  1 hour 30 minutes

Materials and resources: Digital Board (Power Point, PicsArt, GoodNotes, Movavi) and Samples.


After the field trip, the members of each role will meet to share information, resources and materials collected in order to have their own source of information that will be freely accessible to all students in the classroom.


  • The photographers will collect the most relevant photos they obtained from the excursion and will expose them to their colleagues using the PicsArt application, where they will have to create a simple collage with the chosen photos.


  • Those in charge of taking notes will collect all their information through the GoodNotes application, through which they will write the ideas they consider most relevant from the different areas of the itinerary.


  • The cameras will select the best shots of their material, from each place they choose the most appropriate video. They put them in common and select them, to make a brief montage of the shots selected through the Movavi application.


  • Those in charge of collecting samples will be in charge of selecting and classifying each one by type of material and area and preparing them for exposure to their colleagues.


  • The experts will expose their different maps using the Powerpoint application, where they will share their designs along with the most relevant aspects of each area.

Finally, they will carry out a Kahoot in which the most important aspects of pollution and recycling are collected. In this way the teacher will be able to know what they have learned during all the previous sessions and thus know in which aspects it has to be emphasized more to continue with the development of the project. This resource will serve the teacher as an evaluation tool.






Denomination: Brainstorming

Timing: 30 minutes

Materials and resources: Digital Board (Mentimeter).


The objective of this activity is to work on the material to obtain a first vision of what for them is the real problem: the environmental collapse of the town.


We will proceed to carry out a brainstorm in order to conclude what was seen in the excursion and as a link to the debate with a professional. For brainstorming we will make use of the “Mentimeter” resource.


The teacher will ask their students the following:


  • How would you sum up in one word the main cause of the town's environmental collapse?






Denomination: Talking with an expert

Timing: 1 hour

Materials and resources: Digital Board


After that, there will be a brief sharing of the result that will lead to a debate with a professional in order to deal with the causes and consequences of the impact of pollution in the different environments of the student, both at the closest level and at more globalized level. In order for them to be able to sensitize the rest and to introduce them to the search for possible solutions to the problem of environmental collapse. Some examples of the questions that will be discussed with the professional would be the following:


  • What would you use to make the population aware of the problems that exist in our town?

  • What are the consequences of not recycling?


The debate should be directed at the beginning of their project, since through the exchange of questions and answers, and the different perspectives, students should keep in mind that there is much to do but that it is within their reach to contribute to the cause and raise awareness to the people around him.




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