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This Didactic Unit is subject to the legislation in force in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia according to Organic Law 8/2013 Royal Decree 126/2014 Decree 97/2015 and Order 17 March 2015.


Eco-heroes represents an integrated didactic unit which will cover some of the curricular areas of students in the third cycle, specifically in the fifth year of primary school; Social Sciences, Art Education and Spanish Language. This Didactic Unit has an extension of 11 sessions distributed throughout four weeks, applicable during the month of February, culminating it in a learning service to their closer community: their village.


Our task, as future education professionals, is to guide the educational development of our students to reach the maximum potential of their capacities as well as their integral development, but these capacities must be oriented to the transformation and solution of problems present in society in which they live. We therefore believe that strengthening student motivation is the main requirement to achieve the learning of the content and basic competencies of primary education.


Trying from education to connect real life problems so that our students can contribute to the cause is not an easy task. That is why Eco-heroes develops a didactic sequence whose methodological bases are mainly problem-based learning and service learning, trying to open an educational path that connects the problems of our environment with the development of learning based in the service of this community, in a way that contributes to the improvement of the society we share.


Specifically, with the didactic unit "Eco-heroes" students are presented with the challenge of finding solutions that help to improve the situation of environmental collapse that their locality suffers, which will be at the same time, the context through which it is intended that the student show interest in the contents and they be aware of the problems that exist around him. As a social awareness campaign and making use of ICT, they have to provide effective solutions and present them to the representatives of the town, their families and colleagues.

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