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Duration:  3 hours


Areas, Didactic Objectives and Contents:


  • Social Sciences


  1. To acquire basic concepts on pollution. (O.CS.4., D.O.1.)

    1. Acquisition of basic concepts related to pollution (D.O.1.).

  2. To know the Recycling Plant and what it collects. (O.CS.4., D.O.2.)

    1. Knowledge of the Recycling Plant and what it collects (D.O.2.).

  3. To discover the importance of the Recycling Plant for the Environment. (O.CS.4., D.O.3.)

    1. Discovery of the importance of the Recycling Plant for the Environment (D.O.3.).

  4. To be aware of man-made impacts on the landscape. (O.CS.4., D.O.4.)

    1. Awareness of human-made impacts on the landscape (D.O.4.).

  5. To appreciate the local environment. (O.CS.5., D.O.7.)

    1. Appreciation of the local environment (D.O.7.).

  6. To properly use the various materials and supports with which they work. (O.CS.2., D.O.15)

    1. Proper use of various materials and supports with which they work (D.O.15.). 

  7. To participate in the proposed activities and learn in a critical spirit. (O.CS.1., D.O.17)

    1. Participation in the proposed activities in a critical spirit (D.O.17.).

  8. To use social media as a means of disseminating their project. (O.CS.2.; D.O.18)

    1. Use of social networks as a means of disseminating their project (D.O.18.).

  9. To know how to differentiate between types of pollution. (O.CS.4., D.O.9)

    1. Differentiation between types of pollution (D.O.9.).

  10. To know the origin and provenance of local pollutants. (O.CS.4., D.O.10)

    1. Comprehension of the origin and provenance of local pollutants (D.O.10.).





Denomination: Welcome Ecoxia!

Timing: 15 minutes

Materials and resources: Ecoxia and Ipads


It is time to get to work on the proposal presented by the mayor. This session will begin with the presentation of the necessary materials to develop the entire project. In this way, Ecoxia, their guide, will be presented, being in charge of providing them with the instructions to follow during the whole project.


In addition, students will receive an individual workbook in their email, in which they will collect the information requested in order to be able to follow up activities, serving this as an evaluation method for the teacher.






Denomination: Know, raise awareness and correct

Timing: 2 hours 45 minutes

Materials and resources: iPads (as  camera, videocamera, notebook and Caliope) and test tubes.


Ecoxia takes them to see the video that will introduce them to the field trip they are going to take. To do this they will have to check the class mail and download the video, which they will see using the projector.


Once they have seen the video of the field trip itinerary, we will proceed to the division by roles. On the field trip, there will be five different roles: photographers, note taking, video recording, sample collecting, and expertDuring the excursion, all the students took the same route and will take samples of everything that they consider to be important and that is affecting the local problem.


  • The photographers will be in charge of photographing the areas that will be visited throughout the excursion. They will be asked to take photos of the most polluted areas, the points that need further improvement and the aspects that they consider important at each point. To do this, they will use their iPad.


  • Those who take notes will be in charge of collecting interesting data from those places they visit, in addition to taking into account the comments of their colleagues that are important, in which they also make appreciations of the places. They will make use of their iPad.


  • The cameras will be in charge of making videos about the different areas established in the itinerary that they consider to be the most polluted and those points that they see as needing improvement or solution. They will use their iPad to make the recordings.


  • Those who collect samples will be in charge of collecting objects that they consider important and decisive in the contamination of each of the points. To do this, they will use sample tubes.


  • The experts will be in charge of reflecting on the maps provided the most contaminated points, the needs of each of the areas and the aspects that they consider important to mark. Likewise, they will be in charge of measuring air and noise pollution along the route. To do this, they will use apps and their iPad.


The dynamics that will take place will be the following: We will take the students to the schoolyard and there they will find 5 large circles, made with ropes. Each circle will contain the following information.


  • En los cumpleaños, soy el que toma las fotos.

  • Soy observador y me gusta quedarme con todo.

  • Me gusta rodar escenas.

  • A buen investigador, pocas muestras les hacen falta.

  • Soy preciso como un reloj.


The goal is for our students to choose their favorite circle according to the function they want to have on the excursion. To do this, they will have to run as fast as possible towards their circle. But there is a drawback, if that circle already contains 4 members, they will have to run towards their second favorite role.


Then, our students will go on an excursion with the aim of knowing, raising awareness and correcting the environmental problems of their nearest environment. To do this, they will start from their closest environment; school, to appreciate the different and main types of pollution in each area, until the end of the trip to a recycling plant, so that the children can see what waste management consists of, both the most common and the least ordinary, in order to to put their ideas in crisis and start the investigation.

For example, in school they will recognize as the predominant polluting elements the use of disposable materials as well as their snack wrappers. To do this, we will present a new challenge to our students for each of their breaks: Use sustainable packaging for their snacks. In this way, students will be introduced to a series of good environmental education practices, the objective of the teacher being that they make them their own and thus improve their behavior towards the environment.


Itinerary of the excursion:


  • Starting point: school and surroundings

Problem: SOIL CONTAMINATION (pens, cardboard, paper, snack leftovers ...)


  • Second point of interest: Park near the school and surroundings (main streets of the town).

 Problem: ENVIRONMENTAL OR ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION (dog poop, garbage, cars, cigarette butts ...)


  • Third point of interest: Via or green area and surroundings.

Problem: WATER CONTAMINATION (air, water, natural environment pollution, taking water samples from different parts of the river).


  • Fourth point of interest: Industrial zone.

Problem: VISUAL AND ACOUSTIC POLLUTION (noise from factories, debris, oils, car batteries, batteries ...). Observe if there are landfills or clean points within the polygon since it is a place where a large amount of waste is generated.


  • End point: Recycling plant.











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