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According to LOMCE (2013), Primary Education includes  seven competences:


  • Linguistic communication competences.

  • Mathematical competences and science and technology basic competences.

  • Digital competence.

  • Learn to learn.

  • Social and civic competence.

  • Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.

  • Awareness and cultural expression.


With the aim of working out the current Didactic Unit, we have carefully selected the competences that better adapt to it, being those the following competences:


  • Linguistic communication competence.

  • Digital Competence*

  • Learn to learn*

  • Social and civic competence*

  • Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.



Linguistic communication competence is needed throughout all the project as well as to reach every other competence. The Didactic Unit will develop this competence by making students read different reference materials of information for their project, talk about their ideas and suggestions, give their opinion and present and show their creations at the end of the project.


Digital competence will be developed in all the sessions of the project as we consider it as one of the main competences. Students will use different digital resources with the aim of carrying out the realization of their final projects through different formats, sharing their results and experiences through social media, creating invitations to the diverse guests who are going to assist to the event, to look for information for their project, etc. 


Learn to learn competence, is an essential competence for daily life, as well as its influence for the future is undeniable. Getting the students to change the human tendency to repeat actions that end up having results that are truly distant from what they desire, and make them able to adapt easily to unpredictable changes will only help them to be able to manage their life from a different perspective, which will only benefit them. This competence will be worked in a continuous way along the project.


Social and civic competence is considered as other of the main competences that will be developed throughout this project. Not only is important that students become aware of their near environment and its care, but also we want to transmit them the importance of taking real action on it, promoting habits that contribute to minimize as much as possible the degradation of the place they are living in. The students will acquire fundamental social and civic skills that they will be able to make use of them in every step they take during the sessions.


Since the present Didactic Unit is student-centered, the projects are their own creation, meaning they have to come up with ideas, manage and produce their project, making the teacher figure a mere guide along the Problems Based Learning and Service-Learning, so they need to have a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.








 * The competences remarked in bold are the ones which we consider most important related to this Didactic Unit.




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