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a) To know and appreciate the values and norms of coexistence, to learn to act in accordance with them, to prepare for the active exercise of citizenship and to respect human rights, as well as the pluralism proper to a democratic society.


b) To develop habits of individual and team work, effort and responsibility in the study, as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and entrepreneurship.


h) To know the fundamental aspects of Nature Sciences, Social Sciences, Geography, History and Culture.


i) To initiate in the use of Information and Communication technologies for learning, by developing a critical attitude to the messages they receive and develop.


j) Use different representations and artistic expressions and start construction of visual and audiovisual proposals.




The general area objectives of ​Social Sciences​ suggested are:


O.CS.1. To develop habits that favor or enhance the use of strategies for individual and group work in a cooperative manner, in close contexts, presenting a responsible attitude, of effort and constancy, of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in the construction of knowledge and entrepreneurship, with the purpose of planning and managing projects related to everyday life.


O.CS.2. To initiate the knowledge and implementation of information and communication strategies, developing information processing strategies for the implementation of the competences implicit in the performance of daily tasks, using different methods, sources and texts.


O.CS.4. To know how to define problematic situations in the environment close to their reality, as well as in more distant environments, considering possible solutions to achieve an adequate knowledge and application of landscape elements, the universe, climate and geographic diversity of the community of Andalusia, Spain and the European Union, where students design small research, analyze and communicate results using measurement tools, scales, tables or graphic representations.


O.CS.5. To know and value the natural and cultural heritage of Andalusia and Spain and to contribute actively to its conservation and improvement, showing responsible and civic human behavior, collaborating in the reduction of the causes that generate pollution, climate change, in sustainable development and responsible consumption, by seeking alternatives to prevent and reduce them.



The general area objectives of ​Art Education suggested are:


O.EA.1. To know and use the possibilities of audiovisual media and information and communication technologies and use them as resources for observation, the search for information and the production of own productions, either autonomously or in combination with other media and materials.



The general area objectives of ​Spanish Language suggested are:


O.LCL.2. To understand and express oneself orally adequately in various socio-communicative situations, actively participating, respecting the rules of communicative exchange.


O.LCL.5. To reproduce, create and use different types of oral and written texts, according to the characteristics of the different genres and the norms of the language, in real communicative contexts of the students and close to their tastes and interests.


O.LCL.6. To learn to use all the means at their disposal, including new technologies, to obtain and interpret oral and written information, adjusting it to different learning situations.

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