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Facebook events

The word 'event' has different definitions, such as 'a thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance' or 'a planned public or social occasion'. Both definitions fit perfectly to what we are going to talk about today. We've briefly explained before the concept of the giant social network Facebook, and today we are deepening in one of its numerous possibilities, being creating an event one of our concern for the Didactic Unit, specially for two sessions (9 and 11).

Events can be used for multiple purposes, not only for meeting but for recalling past events, recalling people who have dissapeared, or even to offer or get a job (we are celebrating a birthday party, and we need some people to look for kids and entertain them, so the ones interested can subscribe and get the job, or the friends asisting can give it more expansion). Those are some examples, we, as Facebook, let you the freedom of using this tool for your convenience, and give it the focus you want!

In our project, we organize a session in which the students would make invitations in a digital format for the final day, with to main goals:

  1. Let students explore the ways of achieving these tasks.

  2. Show them how one initiative - the Facebook event - can become enormous and extend to unsuspected limits thanks to the big chain which easily forms in the Internet.

So, what do they have to do the event for? And how can they - or anyone - create this event?

Students are creating their own project inside ours, in which they must investigate about the problematic shown in each zone they visited in the short trip around their city and look for real solutions based on deep research and group all the gathered information, showing the relationships between each paragraph. This is what they will show in the session 10 and, after this, those who asisted to this virtual session will have had access to the Facebook event for the common cleaning of a contaminated area. Everything will be explained both in the correspondent session and in the event to which I will let the link for.

Having aswered to the what, now we will be responding to the how. Creating a Facebook event is 'as easy as pie', as they say, so now we will see the steps to follow:

1. So our first step is to log into our account. You can create this event from it, without having to go into your page, because of you managing it, you can select later to which page you want to do the event for. It's the same process for your profile and your pages.

2. Now, you will go to the left column, and look for the word 'Event', click there. A new page will appear, full of events that can interest you or are going to happen in the next few weeks or days. You will see in the left bar the button '+ Create New Event', click in the button.

3. Now you have the page for creating an event. Here are two important aspects; the first one is on the left bar, in this case you see it says "Cep", that is the main profile. If you want to create the event for a page, click in the name and a small window will appear, with your profile and the pages attached to it, click on the correspondent page. The other important aspect is that due the actual pandemic, you can create an online event and an 'In person' event. In our case we will be doing the 'In person' one, but we advise and suggest doing the most thing via online to stop the Covid-19 virus spread! In this case everything is fictional. So, select the page or profile and select the type of event you want, and a new page will appear.

4. Now you have right in front of you the event template, we will complete it. You must give an Event name, the starting date - end date can be included too, click where you read '+ End date and time' - and the type of privacy. For having more spread, we suggest making the event public. In this case students would be with their parents or family and professionals, so we don't really have to worry about who assists, since this one is designed as a community activity. We click next.

5. The second mandatory step is where is the event going to be located at. We choose a beach because they are a typical contaminated area, but you can definetly choose whatever you need.

6. It's time for description. You can fill the description with the details you want. We will give students - through Ecoxia - some key ideas they need to include, so the core message can be sent, but the rest depends on them! Once the description is full, you may click next.

7. Final or additional details can be added in the last step, in this case they suggest upload a cover photo so people can easily identify what's the event about! When you are ready, you can click in 'Create Event'.

8. This is how our event looks like with the details we gave to Facebook, but surely yours looks fine as well!

Our event link would be !

As a final conclusion, we would like to come up with something that may seem obvious but it's not. When you create an event, people can choose if they will assist or not by three options 'Going', 'Maybe' or 'Can't go'. These options are available for profile events, since pages can be followed and you can see events from there. What we mean to say is when a Facebook creates an event, they will invite you. If you click one of the affirmative options, the event will show in your biography, while if you click the negative option, the event will dissapear from your profile - not from the host's one! - but it will be reflected on the host statistics. When you confirm going to an event, as we said, it shows in your biography so now your friends can see it as well, so now more people can assist - if it's public - and the chain will continue. This is extremely beneficial, particularly for social events such as charity events. This is what we want students to learn, that you can favour some good actions by a simple 'click' and we want you to know it as well. Click on the 'Maybe' option and you may probably help that food collection or that charity market for the local organization that rescues animals!


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