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"Recicla y Suma"


Recicla y Suma has some interesting characteristics, such as:

  • Is a free app available for Android and IOS

  • RECiCLA does not reward waste, it rewards your responsible gesture.

  • RECiCLA is a tool designed to encourage recycling, which encourages citizens to get used to separating the waste generated at home and then going to the containers and recycling them.

The main function of RECiCLA is to generate an habit in the citizen, so that, encouraged by the economic incentive, they end up internalizing the need to recycle and learn how to properly deposit waste.

This work is done with the collaboration of companies, entities and public bodies that, through their economic contributions through the purchase of Sustainability Packs, support the Circular Economy Fund that nourishes the contributions for recycling. All of them help to raise awareness and connect directly with citizens through real and measurable actions.

To use it you only have to follow the following steps:

  1. Download the app

  2. Allow access to Camera and GPS

  3. Register / login

  4. Take a photo recycling any container indicated by the application. It has to be clearly seen that you are depositing a residue in the correct container. In the case of generic recycles, it can be a single waste or a garbage bag containing multiple items (only one share is counted, not each waste individually). No it is not necessary that you appear in the photo.

  5. As soon as you exceed € 2, you can request your transfer in the APP menu - My Profile. You can request its transfer directly to your bank account, save it in your Pensumo account, open a new account with one of our partners or donate it to one of the NGOs that we propose.

  6. In the APP Menu - Carbon Footprint you can check the total carbon footprint avoided with your RECYCLE recycling.

We use it!

We have proposed this application in order for the students, with the help of #ecoxia, to reach the conclusion of requesting from the mayor as a final product of the project, a mini clean point that they will place near to school, where they can make use easily the application and whose incentives are destined to some NGO's proposed by it.

This app, thanks to the economic incentive, allows students to be motivated even more and to be really aware of the actions they take on a daily basis and of the amount of C02 that the planet can avoid. Therefore, the students themselves are aware of their own actions and learning new habits to first learn and then teach them.


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