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We have been talking about tools as QR Code in other posts, and today we would like to present you one of our favourites one! It has an interesting name, written above. Are you interested in it? Let's go then!😎

Mentimeter is an online utensil which helps to solve the problem of always calling on the same students by getting feedback from the entire class. Give a different perspective of your teaching methos by starting with a class poll to gauge mood, warm up, or ask an essential question. Some useful tools as:

  • Action Priority Matrix to determine which skills to teach first (involving students in instructional planning) and perform quick assessments using the quiz feature to anonymously check for concept mastery.

  • March Madness-style tournament, lets students elect on their favorite books, scientists, characters, or historical figures.

  • Crowdsource a word cloud to brainstorm character traits of famous leaders throughout history, innovative inventions, or solutions to real-world problems. Group discussions with questions related to themes or scientific discoveries are easily implemented.

Mentimeter helps to solve the problem of always calling on the same students by getting feedback from the entire class. Mentimeter helps to minimize the "death by PowerPoint" conundrum. The ability to create presentations where students ask and vote on questions, and take polls, allows teachers to involve their audience in ways that a traditional presentation can't.

What is Mentimeter?🔎

Mentimeter is an interactive presentation tool that allows users to engage their audiences in real time. Teachers sign up using an email address or via Google or Facebook logins. After choosing Presenter or Audience pacing to get started, teachers simply click a button to begin designing a presentation. Users can choose from a variety of Events, selecting from options such as questions, polls, word clouds, reactions, and more. Audiences join from the app or via and enter a six-digit join code in order to see and respond to the questions.📲

Teachers can create up to five quizzes for free, but Events are limited to two per presentation.

Mentimeter helps to minimize the "death by PowerPoint" conundrum 💡. The ability to create presentations where students ask and vote on questions, and take polls, allows teachers to involve their audience in ways that a traditional presentation can't. Allowing students submit questions as you teach, lets teachers use class time more effectively by addressing the needs of the many while still being aware of the needs of the few. The flexibility of the question types along with the ability to have students respond, see responses, and ask questions in real time, enables students to make relevant connections during a lesson rather than wait until after teachers present the information to be assessed. Student creation offers even more possibilities, allowing students to become teachers by creating interactive presentations for small groups or whole classes and bringing authenticity to classroom content.

We will implement this tools (and many more) to our project in order not only to let you discover the wide world of ICTs resources but to improve our management in the inclusion and use of them. We think we will use this interesting tool in one of the sessions in which a professional comes to talk and discuss with the students.

P.D. Fun fact! We did not actually discover this tool, last year a professional came to talk with us to show us how using different tools in a class claims easily the students' attention. We were the example, we were amused by this haha. He also talked about some rules to have in class to create a good classroom climate and therefore a great relationship between teacher and their students and amogn students as well.

See you in the next post, bye!


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